Channels — A participatory installation


NEMO Science Museum asked us to develop a concept that would engage visitors in new ways. Instead of a passive, consuming role, we wanted to transform visitors into active participants—giving them an opportunity to become part of the exhibitions.


A woman is sitting inside one of the objects of the Channels installation. She looks at a screen that shows instructions.

Channels is a participatory installation that invites visitors of the NEMO Science Museum to voice their opinions and thoughts on active topics in the exhibitions, such as the energy crisis or the future of aging. Every contribution becomes part of a growing collection of diverse perspectives, which are showcased throughout as part of the exhibition themselves.

A front view of the installation whilst occupied by a visitor, currently in the process of contributing a thought, opinion or idea.

Within the shielded space of the installation, visitors are encouraged to take a moment to check in with themselves, reflect, and discover what they are thinking and feeling.

Custom tactile interfaces with optional subtitles for enhanced accessibility

A visitor is attentively listening to past participants, while another is walking around the three objects that make up Channels.

Channels aims to foster an environment of learning and understanding by highlighting the value of diverse perspectives. It encourages visitors to contemplate their own believes and broaden their horizons by listening to others.


  • Production
  • Ben Pearce
  • Studio Krom
  • Design
  • Krom
  • Development
  • Krom
  • Moderation
  • NEMO Science Museum

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